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写出selective的动词和名词 翻译 在这两个圆周有一小部分重叠。 英译中 so badness is much better represented as being on a spectrum rather than something which is there or not there. 查字典,写出ensure,assure和insure的意思及其用法,尤其是三者的宾语是什么? weeach he a ______________ of just what kind of person we'd like to be. cluster的两种词性:___________________, ______________________ cluster对应上题词性的各自意思:________________________________, ________________________________ youcould not ___________ your potential without confidence. 如果没有自信就不能发挥你的潜力。 英译中 it is safe assumption that the quality of products will be under severe scrutiny by governments in the years to come. responsive 的动词和名词形式分别是? there’s a wide ___________ of opinions on this problem. part of the explanation for bad luckis ____________________, but part is _____________________. 英译中 the timescale has been extended as long as is necessary to confirm the original prophecy. he you ever run into any unlucky things? say some thing about it.(at least 50 words) passage two directions: after reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 5. for each question or statement there are 4 choices marked a), b), c) or d). you should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with the house adjacent __________ ours is under repair. the area of a rectangle is the product of the lengths of two ____________ sides. 英译中 he is bound to succeed in his enterprise. 请写出三个memorability的同根词 vulnerable 的意思 ______________________ 用be bound to造句 英译中 oneof the best examples of selectivememory where an unfair comparison is made between good and bad is in the relative frequency ofred and green lights on a journey. passage one directions: after reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 31through 35. for each question or statement there are 4 choices marked a), b), c) or d). you should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet be bound to的意思是 __________________ 中译英 她身子前倾,仔细查看他们的脸。(scrutinize) _______________________, their house was burgled on the day he lost his job. do you believe one bad leads to another? why? (at least 50 words) 英译中 even the most rational person can beconvinced at times that there is a force out there making mishapsoccur at the worst possible time. do you think bad luck can be explained after reading the passage? why / why not? (at least 50 words) situate的用法 how can science challenge old-fashioned thinking, such as superstition? 查字典,学习tempt和temptation的意思和用法 归纳overlap的两种词性和用法 crop的意思是? 猜一猜 crop up为什么是出现的意思? 用vulnerable造句 is bad luck an acceptable explanation for when things go wrong? (at least 50 words) a close ____________ will reveal the lines at the corners of her eyes. situate词性是什么? deprive的名词是_________________ replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below. you may need to make other changes. adjacent bump cluster duration overlap situate 1 the car behind didn’t slow down in time and hit our car. ( ) 2 our math teacher’s lesson included part of yesterd she was hot and breathless from the _____________ (费力) of cycling uphill. 中译英 她中彩得了100万英镑。 英译中 this popular notion would be unlikely to stand the scrutiny of any scientific study ... 1. complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below. encounter extend frequency mathematical misfortune neutral subsequent vulnerable 1 some people seem to blame all their __________ on bad luck. 2 many people would argue that there is no such thing as bad luc 用下列带有look的词组填空 look after look back look for look forward to look in look into look through look to look up look up to 1. i will be near your mother's home tomorrow so i'll _______________ and tell her you are doing well. 2. i am very busy _______________ a job answer the questions about the words and expressions. (填空)将选项a或b填入后面题目后面的横线。 1 if you subject something to scrutiny , do you look at it (a) carefully, or (b) superficially? a 2 if something is marginally interesting, is it of (a) great interest, or (b) limited interest? _____ 3 if a problem is alive passage one directions: after reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 5. for each question or statement there are 4 choices marked a), b), c) or d). you should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with 英译中 when it comes to bad things happening in threes, what may be most important of all is the duration and memorability of the first event. 用chore造一个句子 英译中 wealthy tourists are tempting targets for bag snatchers(抢包贼). ifyou know exactly what you want, the best route to a job is to get specializedtraining. 本句中的route是什么意思? 并且翻译该句。 思考一下,填空第四题中的答案,有没有什么联系 thatrepresents 28 per cent of the area of the whole page of the map... andif you regard being within 2 cm of the edge of the page as being awkward,the chance of ill-fortuneclimbs to 52 per cent. 试计算28%和52%是如何计算出来的,列出算式 查字典,辨析jump,leap,skip,bounce的区别 reading understanding.pdf 答案用a,b,c,d填写 仅限大写 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ do you think the men unlucky? and why? 回答 redundant的意思和词性 be made redundant的意思 查字典,查看英文解释,并简述marginal表示什么样的边缘?和edge表示的边缘是否一样?两者有何区别 all boats were bumping _______________ the wooden pier(木墩). joanna heard him bump _________________ the table and curse again. 猜一猜 mishap和happy的关系 填入适当的介词 deprive ________ sth rob _______ sth remind _______ sth notify _______ sth accuse ________ sth route指什么样的路线,航线? 英译中 ... but this one bad event can remain alive and kicking for many months, with the cleaning up operation and the debate with your insurers acting as constant reminders of the original event. chore是可数名词还是不可数名词? what are they ? first, they ___________ . second, theyhad the ___________ map. third, they ___________ the cop ... i made him what i thought were several _______________ offers, but he wouldn't bite. 我向他提出一些自以为动听的建议,但他不肯上钩。 根据下述英文解释,写出相应的单词 thequality or state of being memorable match the examples with the types of events. 用下面a-e来描述1-5事件 1 a burst water pipe ________ 2 a train which is late ________ 3 buses which arrive three at a time ________ 4 losing your wedding ring ________ 5 dropping a vase ________ a. something which might happen because you are feeling depressed or 英译中 when the bag is folded, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag. 这两门科目之间有相当多的共通之处。 word formation: - ity and -ility a common way of forming nouns is to add the suffix -ity or –ility to the adjective, for example, memorable can be transformed into memorability and probable into probability . look at the sentences from the passage can bad luck be explained ? when it comes to bad thi 用aliveand kicking造句 查字典,从构词角度辨析 subsequent和consequent的区别,并且搞清楚他们表示的概念 中译英 这涉及到概率和性的问题。 请用duration造句 passage two directions: this task is the same as task 1. the 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 1 to 5. december 13th,2005 dear sirs, i am very happy to apply for the position of secretary, which you advertised in china daily of december 10, 2005. i he been working as a secretary at ____________________ between his opinions and your own? compound adjectives with -free grity-free is a compound adjective formed by a noun and the adjective free . free is used to indicate an absence of something. so a grity-free environment is an environment in which there is no grity. free can be combined with other nouns in the same way. look at when it comes to ... 3 look at the sentence. if we consider the case of bad things happening in threes, what may be most important of all is the duration and memorability of the first event. you can rewrite it like this: when it comes to bad things happening in threes, what may be most important of how many unlucky things can you find inthe film? _________ unlucky things.

门式刚架的高度是指从室外地坪到斜梁与柱轴线交点的距离。已知298K下Ksp(PbCl2)=1.6×10-5,则此温度下,饱和PbCl2溶液中c(Cl-)为男士仪容中发型的“三不及”是指( )关于呼吸描述错误的是:国民党蒋介石集团在1927年4月18日在南京成立了“中华民国国民政府”。 矛盾矩阵是用39个通用工程特征参数组成的39×39正方矩阵。当接受原假设时,只能认为否定它的根据尚不充分,而不是认为它*正确。各位同学,大家好!本章测试题共有10题,均为不定项选择题。每位同学有两次答题机会。希望大家认真审题,谨慎答题;看完之后马上答题,以防遗忘,以免过期!!!祝各位答题顺利!1.从中华人民共和国成立到社会主义改造基本完成,是我国从新民主主义到社会主义的过渡时期。这一时期,我国社会的性质是()“爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之”说明良好的人际关系,是建立在相互尊重的基础之上的。()社会学回答社会“应该怎样”的问题,这是社会学的( )。 盾构法施工是明挖施工的一种。狄更斯早期小说中丰富的想象,敏锐的感觉,准确把握人物性格特征的能力,非凡地摹写现实社会的本领,将*常见的平凡琐事子以戏剧化的才能,以及诙谐蕴藉的地道英国式的幽默,这一切都预示出狄更斯成为一个文学大家的*素质。4470bd3b27951b2d2eb99879c9bb3b75.png下面选项中对于围产儿的描述,正确的是()。真菌能通过异养的方式获取营养物质 学习通超星尔雅大学英语C2答案网课章节期末考试慕课免费完整答案


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